About Us




Milena Bozovic MSc, owner and director, has built her long working experience in domestic and international companies mostly on a leading managerial positions. During her long career, she has also worked in NGO organization and on different projects.

She began her career within the Center for Anti-war action, then continued at the National Labour Market Service (now National Employment Service), and on a leading positions as Human Resource Director within Volksbank, National Bank of Serbia, World Vision Fund (Agroinvest & Montecredit) and NLB Bank. She has worked in HR within OMV and Hemofarm. She selected more than 300 employees within financial sector, worked on talent management program for employees where some of them are on the Board member or Executive director positions now. She has long working experience as Trainer for soft skills. In several companies she participated and managing restructuring projects.

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the Faculty of Philosophy – Group for Adult Education and Master of Science of the Faculty of Economics-both on University of Belgrade. She also posses certificate from Besser Siegmung Institut in Hamburg for Wingwave coach, posses licence for Successful Insight testing, certificate for DISC Extended Behavior Analysis very powerful tool for Recruitment & Selection, Management, Development and more than 30 additional courses for human resources, managerial skills and business organization. Member of European Coaching Association. Certified Project Manager and Organizational Transactional Analyst.

Also she had possibility to attend courses about human resources in leading Central Banks in Europe such as England, Germany, Holland, France and Hungary.

Within our team are highly experienced professionals for IT, psychology and law.

Why choose us?




    Trust and responsibility with which we approach each job as it is our own company.

    Professionalism and objectiveness which we express contribute to the quality of the service we provide.

    Honesty and integrity that we have ensure respect for business ethics and we build long-term partnership with our clients.

    Affordable prices as well as the quality which will put your system in order and bring you very quickly return on investment


Why HR ?





   As an Employer, you will ask yourself what the purpose of human resources management is and can you do that based on your own experience without engaging the external parties?

   The main goal of the human resources management is to articulate methods, procedures and principles by which we are influencing the employees, their motivation, development and performance. Surely, each of us can do that, and it is not enough to just have a feeling, but a knowledge, practice and experience in certain related questions in order to prevent eventual problems, predict potential difficulties and prepare the plan of further activities.

   As the Human Resources is applied multidisciplinary scientific discipline, for it uses concepts and theories from different scientific disciplines, in order to practice them on high level and successfully, we need a wide range of experts to respond to different demands and challenges present in our environment such as globalization, competition, demographic changes, and the intensive technological development.

   As an Individual you will also ask yourself why Human resources are important to me and how will you benefit from this knowledge?

    If you work in managerial position you know how difficult it is to motivate people to be a part of your team, hold initial enthusiasm among employees and achieve best results from everybody. We can help you with our experience and give you concrete proposals to solve different business challenges.

    With individual coaching sessions we will contribute in best way to the improvement of your business skills and you will learn techniques that will help you achieve better relationships with people.

    If you are in the beginning of your career we will give you a practical advice how to find a job, how to present yourself to the Employer and the way to work professionally. Also we offer one of the best HR training in this country where you will learn to work within each HR Department.